Des batteries imprimées en 3D

Des chercheurs ont mis au point une technologie qui permet d’imprimer en 3D des batteries : de nouveaux horizons s’ouvrent ainsi pour les fabricants d’électronique embarquée. Source : Des batteries imprimées en 3D

Prusa Introduces A Resin Printer at Maker Faire NY

For one reason or another, the World Maker Faire in New York has become the preeminent place to launch 3D printers. MakerBot did it with the Thing-O-Matic way back when, and over the years we’… Source : Prusa Introduces A Resin Printer at Maker Faire NY

HP lance son imprimante 3D métal “abordable”

HP s’est lancé, il y a plusieurs années déjà dans l’impression 3D destinée aux professionnels. Après des années à développer les technologies d’impression papier, la marque annonce cette fois la Metal Jet, une imprimante 3D au métal qualifiée d’accessible. Source : HP lance son imprimante 3D…

Adding 3D Printer Power and Light Control to OctoPrint

OctoPrint is a great way to monitor your printer, especially with the addition of a webcam. Using a tablet or mobile phone, you can keep an eye on what the printer is doing from anywhere in the hou… Source : Adding 3D Printer Power and Light…

Temperature Controlled Fan Keeps Printer Cool

There are many annoying issues associated with desktop 3D printers, but perhaps none are trickier than keeping the machine at the proper temperature. Too cold, and printed parts can warp or fail to… Source : Temperature Controlled Fan Keeps Printer Cool

Hackaday Links: September 9, 2018 | Hackaday

Octoprint is one of those must-have apps for 3D printers. All you need is a Raspberry Pi, an SD card, and a USB cable, and you can control your 3D printer from anywhere in the house. Of course, som… Source : Hackaday Links: September 9, 2018…

Arduino Blog » An Arduino-controlled turntable for 3D scanning

Many DSLR cameras can be operated with a simple infrared signal, making them perfect targets for Arduino control. Travis Antoniello took advantage of this with his brilliantly simple 3D scanning rig. Electronics are handled by an Arduino Uno, which commands a stepper motor to rotate…